1. What are the films about?
We start with conversations with our clients to establish a theme for the films....always good to have a compass for creative endeavours.
2. How does it all come together?
Details regarding timelines, team sizes, locations etc are decided in consensus. Of course you can make films anywhere really, we've made them in hotel rooms, in resorts, in offices and outside on the streets. Nothing is impossible.
3. What happens on the day?
On the day each team will have a genuine, real world film professional to guide them through the process of filming. We supply costumes, props as per theme and previous agreement and of course cameras.
4.What happens to the footage we shoot?
Once you've finished filming we begin our editing time to create the masterpieces. Our company uses professional editors at all times so your film will look and sound amazing.
5. What about the screening?
Later of course is the gala screening and a debrief or an oscars style party....you name it. There is a 100% guarantee that you will have the best time watching yourselves on the screen and admiring each others skills and acting chops.
6. What happens to the finished product?
You get to keep the films to use as blackmail items or to simply have a good laugh every now and then after a tough week.